Kelch der Wahrheit | Goblet of the Truth
FIGU-Interest-Group for Knowledge-of-the-Mission Carolina

Chapter 4

Abschnitt 4

231) However, those amongst you who are accused (blamed) by the unknowing ones and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and by the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) of lying, remember the true prophets who are accused (blamed) of lying before your time and in your time, and remember the true prophets in your time who are also accused (blamed) of lying also by you and your priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods despite showing (revealing) the way to the guideline (principle/leading thought) of truthly life with clear signs (evidence) and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, the teaching of the wisdom and with their open and honest words; and you and your priests and servants of gods, your servants of tin gods and swaggerers, your nit-pickers (know-it-alls) and word-splitters, none of you want to perceive what is the truth, because for you who are truth-deniers, something that is against your belief and against your reflexions and strivings is not allowed to be truth.
