And truly, if you could, in your inequity (unfairness), knowingly (consciously) gain love out of the fullness (abundance) of the fruitfulness of the primal power (Creation), then you would be stinting with it and want to have
everything just for yourselves alone, without giving any to people of your kind (fellow human beings), because
you have an aversion to them
77) You unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), you pay back all kindheartedness that is given to you with hypocrisy and with evil deeds, but consider that one day you will meet the truth
with might to which you must give your promise that henceforth you will only follow the way of equitableness
(fairness) and no longer lie, slander (calumniate) or be inequitable (irresponsible). |
Und wahrlich, könntet ihr in eurer Unbilligkeit (Ungerechtigkeit) wissentlich (bewusst) aus der
Fülle (Überfluss) der Fruchtbarkeit der urkräftigen (schöpferischen) Liebe schöpfen, dann würdet
ihr damit geizen und alles nur für euch allein haben wollen, ohne Euresgleichen (Mitmenschen)
davon abzugeben, weil ihr eine Abneigung gegen sie habt. |